5 Instant Mood Boosters When You’re Having a Rough Day
If you’re feeling a little emotionally worn out lately, you’re not alone. And while you might need a hug, there are some great ways that you can boost your mood on your own. Here are five instant mood boosters for those days when things are rough.
1. Get outside.
Did you know that getting out into nature for as little as five minutes can significantly boost your mood? It’s true! Wander around and enjoy the trees, grass, and birdsongs. If you don’t have much nature nearby, just looking at something green can also help.
2. Put on a vibrant color.
Are you familiar with color psychology? By picking a color that makes you happy, you can instantly give yourself an emotional and mental boost. The important thing is how you feel about the color – different colors trigger different feels in different people.
3. Practice some creativity.
This isn’t about creating an epic art statement – this is about making something for you that feels good. So grab a coloring book, some paint, baking supplies, or whatever sparks your interest and make something for the sake of making it.
4. Put on a favorite song and dance it out.
Music and emotion are tied together, and your favorite song can instantly take you to another place. So why not add some movement as well? You don’t even need a dance floor – you can move to the music from your chair.
5. An act of kindness.
Doing something to brighten someone else’s day isn’t just good for them – it can also help improve your day as well. It could be paying for a stranger’s coffee, donating to a charity, taking a care package to a homeless person, or even writing a note to a friend or loved one.
Bonus: Fake it!
According to research, you can actually trick your brain into being in a better mood. We tend to smile or laugh as a response, but you can use both of these expressions to actually trigger the release of endorphins that lift your mood. Try it out!
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